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塵も積もれば山となる [Chiri Mo Tsumoreba Yama To Naru] Baby Steps Lead to Lasting Transformation; Healing, Self-Discovery, Empowerment

This Japanese proverb represents my mindset around healing, self-discovery, and empowerment:

Even dust, when piled up, becomes a mountain

Your daily efforts, all the baby steps you put in, lead to lasting transformation

Taking what you consider "huge leaps forward" isn't the only way to experience healing, self-discovery, and empowerment. 

In my own journey, I noticed that aiming for huge leaps made me more impatient and discouraged that "I wasn't healing/discovering more of me/empowering myself" and idealize what "should be" happening, while discrediting my efforts and what I was experiencing

It led to experiencing low self-esteem and self-worth because I was conditionally loving myself - I would be lovable and acceptable if I could make these huge changes and get to where I think I needed to be

What my guides and Higher self reminded me was that:

Every little thing you do, every little effort you make on your journey counts and adds up to experiencing change 

Taking little steps and noticing the changes you experience within and in your external environment can help you become more mindful and self-aware

The moments after taking a small step and experiencing something new are chances for you to:

❤️ Practice unconditional self-love and acceptance as you are in that moment

❤️ Be present with yourself as you experience change - how do you feel emotionally? what thoughts are you experiencing? how does it affect your energy? how does your body feel?

❤️ See yourself as you shed old ways and become new - can you contrast the two without judgment? Also feel/see where the old was rooted in? And feel/see your spirit in the new?

❤️ Empower yourself - you are learning ways to be that are rooted in self-love and self-acceptance, getting your power back

Celebrate the little changes you take yourself through

And remember: there's no rush on this journey. 

I hope this helps you become more safe and secure within yourself, freeing yourself from living in survival mode, improving your self-esteem and self-worth 🪽

Go ahead and follow, like, comment, and share the post - please help me spread the word, one less person in survival mode means one more person living in freedom! ❤️

🌌 Catherine | Peace etc. 🌌


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