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Want More Clarity In Your Life? Here's How: Healing, Self-Discovery, Personal Development, & Empowerment

Today I will give you a glimpse into my journey with honesty.

Honesty gives you awareness

Awareness on how you actually are, what a situation is actually like, what you like/ don't like, what you want and need, how you actually want to be, how you want to live your life, etc etc.

If you want clarity, honesty is imperative.

With clarity you gain from honesty, you may begin to take steps forward or in the direction that feels right for you.

It's amazing how you can trick yourself into thinking and believing something and how honesty can undo this, making you see an accurate picture.


Honesty is humbling

I experienced, and continue to experience, many moments of deep sighs of letting go (surrender) as I practice honesty.

Letting go of what I thought to be true is very humbling - my Inner Child or wounded ego doesn't like to be wrong because she/it can take being "wrong" or having a misperception very personally. 

Before I had a compassionate connection with her as I do now, admitting her misperceptions led to decreased self-esteem and self-worth.

Now that I have a compassionate inner dialogue, in moments of recognizing misconceptions, my Inner Child may start to get worried but I can validate her and reassure her that she is loved and accepted as she is (even when she makes misconceptions) and I experience being my wonder child self or healthy ego, who doesn't take misconceptions personally - I now experience security and healthy self-worth in moments of recognizing misconceptions.

These sighs of letting go are moments of acceptance that my perceptions are limited at times and that that's just a part of life and one aspect of being human

With these sighs, I can let go of old perspectives and re-view to get a new, clearer perspective on any matter

Here is the video where I talk about how honesty led to clarity and forward movement in my life (and bettering my life) up on my YouTube channel for auditory and visual folks:

For more videos on healing, self-development, empowerment, and on Inner Child Healing, you can head to my channel. Go ahead and subscribe, like, comment, and share - please help me spread the word, one less person in survival mode means one more person living in freedom! ❤️

I hope this helps you become more safe and secure within yourself, freeing yourself from living in survival mode

🌌 Catherine | Peace etc. 🌌


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