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How Nature Helps You Develop and Trust Your Intuition AND Improve Your Relationship to Yourself

Have you ever received a call to go into nature?

To go sit by or even hug a tree?

It can even be a deep feeling you experience that reminds you of nature or makes you think "wow, I'm craving time in nature"

What do you do when you experience these voices, calls, or feelings?

Yesterday, I woke up with an unexplained heaviness in my heart. I couldn’t point a finger to where it was coming from. In that moment and several following moments, I felt the struggles of being a human. Rather than trying to understand the heaviness, I accepted that it was there and went about my day.

As I walked along the backstreets of Lima, a beautiful yellow flower caught my eyes. She stood out, radiating joy and beauty, bringing color to the white concrete walls. As I admired her beauty, I heard a voice within saying “I wanna go hug a tree.” Actually by this point, I had shed a few tears (hence walking on the backstreet! LOL) and felt my inner child’s presence very clearly - it was her speaking. I spotted a tree nearby that I could have possibly hugged but it was too visible as I was already feeling so vulnerable and self-conscious at that time.

So I walked a little bit down the street towards the ocean and thought, ok, I'm not up for hugging a tree in public but I CAN take myself to the ocean and sit there instead. COMPROMISE! That’s exactly what I did. At this point, trees were not on my mind. As I walked to the ocean and onto the cliffside though, I noticed a giant tree with a curved base making a comfortable seat. Just my size. I felt welcomed and took myself there and sat, facing the ocean.

Waterworks followed - meaning I cried my eyes out. I was hidden from view and was totally in my own world. An unexpected comfortable sanctuary in the middle of a big city. The tears pouring down my face, I immersed myself in a memory that was coming up at that time to be seen and felt which turned out to be gold, revealing information regarding my relationship to love. I had flashbacks of this memory but never understood its significance until this moment.

I felt the natural world’s powerful loving, supportive energy in this entire experience and that's what motivated me to share this experience with you all.

Nature is always working with us to help us on our journeys here on Earth whether we are conscious of it or not. I've been supported by Mother Nature on my healing/life journey since around 2017 (and even since childhood). The feeling I got through this experience is that Mother Nature is calling us to her now more than ever - her nurturing energy enticing me to connect with her was palpable, I saw energy like crystal clear strings drawing me to the tree! She urges us to reconnect with ourselves, to heal and open up our hearts. This can be facilitated by being in her presence - she is lending herself in that process.

My message here isn’t just about my experience or connecting with nature and opening to the healing available through the natural world. It’s also about how connecting with nature can be beneficial for building your intuition. When you hear and follow these calls, you are practicing opening yourself up to, trusting, and following intuitive guidance. You are given the opportunity to reconnect with your spirit and how it sounds. Intuition and connection to your inner voice/voice of spirit can be strengthened over time. This practice also supports building self-trust; you will probably feel good when you follow your intuition, and that creates a feeling of goodness within the self, that you can trust yourself. Just like with intuition and connection to your inner voice/voice of spirit, self-trust can be build over time.

Do you see how a simple act of going into nature can be a multilayered experience? Of strengthening your connection to your inner voice, connecting to the unseen realms, connecting with nature, healing, opening your heart, healing your heart, letting go/shedding layers of yourself, growth and expansion, building self-trust, experiencing beauty, experiencing oneness (you and nature aren't two separate entities), and much more!

By reading this message, I hope you see how connecting with nature can improve your relationship to yourself including your intuition and you will trust that call whenever your inner voice or nature calls you to connect with nature.

Sending love on your journey here on Earth 🌏

PS: Make sure to say thanks to nature when you leave, I'm sure she appreciates a little gratitude ;)

🌌 Catherine 🌌


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