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"Finish lines"

I recently had an aha-moment that the "finish lines" I was running towards - what I held up as "end goals"- were only starting points for new journeys

I internalized all these different "finish lines" I thought I needed to reach to be happy and live a fulfilled life

When I actually got there, I was often like:

Wait, is this it?

Where's the happiness I was picturing?

These "finish lines" weren't AT ALL what I had imagined

I totally thought at the back of my mind that life would get sooo much easier once I reached these various finish lines but actually, it's the opposite! They come with a bunch of new stuff to learn!

For instance, marriage. mic-drop. LOL

I believe this is applicable to a range of areas in our lives like relationships, career, friendships, relocation, personal development, etc etc.

The "finish lines" or "end goals" you or society create aren't the end and are rather "beginning of new experiences"

feels more of an aligned way of thinking and experiencing life for me at the moment.

What's your perspective?

What "end goals" or "finish lines" are you holding onto or have created in the past that aren't really coming from you?

Let me know in the comments! I'm sure we have some in common.

Sending love on your journey here on Earth

🌌 Catherine 🌌


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