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don’t let YOURSELF talk you out of living your life

Following yesterday's post on self-trust:

don’t let YOURSELF talk you out of living your life

I often hear “don’t let other people talk you out of living your life” and yes that’s true as well - other people’s opinions shouldn’t be the basis for how you create and go on about your life.

However, what has spoken to me more is to not let MYSELF talk me out of living my life and to TRUST what feels aligned for me. After all, I spend the most time with myself, not in others' company.

We can talk ourselves out of living how we want to not so much because of other people as we may THINK, but by LETTING ourselves be dictated by others' perspectives.

We can’t control what others do but we can choose how we respond and how we navigate the world.

What I learned over the years is that people are always going to have their perspectives. It’s up to us how much room we give these thoughts, how much weight we give them, how much we attach to these thoughts and let them run the forefront of our minds/how we operate, how often we practice coming back to our hearts/our inner voice and live from that place.

What I believe we should avoid is assigning blame (on others) and falling into victimhood for not being able to "live our life" or punishing ourselves for trusting others' perspectives before our own. This serves no one.

You don't have to be a victim.

You can build kinder inner dialogue with yourself by noticing when you shrink or doubt your inner voice and letting yourself know it's safe and ok for you to listen and trust that voice.

Again, this is a process and something I’m learning to do everyday! Not about perfection.

Let me know what you’ve observed about your inner dialogue in the comments ❤️

🌌 Catherine | Peace etc. 🌌



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