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Don't Leave Your Body Behind on Your Inner Child Healing Journey; Self-Healing, Empowerment, Self-Discovery, Self-Love

What I've come to realize from my own Inner Child Healing journey is that this modality isn't just about getting to know your thoughts, emotions, feelings, and how they lead to behaviors and vice versa.

It's also about experiencing safety and security in your body.

When you grow up in a dysfunctional home, you may have spent more time being out of your body and have little experience feeling safe, secure, and stable in your body.

Through this modality, you learn how to be in your body and experience safety, security, and stability.

When you start getting used to being in your body and have a taste of safety, security, and stability WITHIN, then you can shift to residing in your body more often.

To be more present in your body and in your life.

I remember meeting resistance when I first began being in my body. It was so foreign and I didn't know if I could do it. It was easier to stay in a gogogo state to find security elsewhere.

Through practice though, I began getting more comfortable creating security, safety, and stability in my body and being in my body. This peace, sense of connection to myself, and also increased awareness I gained about myself and the world made me feel more alive and that I was living as my authentic self that resistance fell away.

At times I still do meet unconscious resistance, and that's seed for exploration - what isn't looked at eventually hits us in the face 😂

We experience life through our bodies.

Through this modality, you can learn to be in your body and present while living your precious life.

I hope this helps you become more safe and secure within yourself, freeing yourself from living in survival mode, improving your self-esteem and self-worth 🪽

Go ahead and follow, like, comment, and share the post - please help me spread the word, one less person in survival mode means one more person living in freedom! ❤️

🌌 Catherine | Peace etc. 🌌


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