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Do You Actually Want to Tolerate That?: Lesson in Self-Love

Honesty is essential on your healing journey.

Honesty and Acceptance

How would you know what you're actually ok with and not ok with unless you're honest with yourself?

Well, I was once a master stuffer-downer of my true feelings.

I was dishonest with myself and unknowingly dishonest with others, without malicious intent, out of being in survival mode - afraid that my true feelings would get me in trouble, risk my safety and security (my life).

I had to learn what was true for me: what I was actually ok with and what I didn't want to tolerate - my hard no's (also, I didn't know no's could be hard - they were always bendy for me in survival mode).

Through slowly learning to accept and love myself unconditionally through Inner Child Healing, I developed my ability to validate my feelings.

Being able to validate my own feelings as they were built self-trust and self-love, which made me recognize, accept, and get comfortable with what I was ok with and not ok with.

And to get comfortable with having things that I was not ok with - this one was huge for me.

It blew my mind that I could have things I wasn't ok with like other people!

Personal power and freedom coursed through my whole body, along with a sense of wonder and joy.

I tried for many years to heal without being honest with myself where I wasn't really accepting myself. I was still trying to mould myself into someone I wasn't. During those times, I didn't know what I was ok with and not ok with. I didn't REALLY know myself.

Once I got the hang of validating myself, things became super clear.

By the way, I started this all from Z E R O.

If I'm able to learn how to validate myself, YOU TOO can learn to do so.

The key word here is LEARN

It didn't come easy to me at first and I definitely felt awkward, thinking:

"Is it ok to accept what's coming up?"

questioning if it was alright for me to accept all of me.

For the first time in my life, I wasn't relying on others to tell me what was ok for me to feel and what wasn't.

The answer is yes, of course!

The more I practiced, the easier and more natural validating myself became and the less I questioned my ok's and not ok's.

You don't need to justify yourself!

But if you are curious about the "why" behind them, you can always ask yourself and your inner child and let the answers come to you 😉

Here's a video where I share what I learned about tolerance, using a real life example that I recently experienced:

For more videos on healing, self-development, empowerment, and on Inner Child Healing, you can head to my channel. Go ahead and subscribe, like, comment, and share - please help me spread the word, one less person in survival mode means one more person living in freedom! ❤️

I hope this helps you become more safe and secure within yourself, freeing yourself from living in survival mode 🪽

🌌 Catherine | Peace etc. 🌌


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