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Did You Know That Honesty Can Accelerate Your Healing and Personal Development?

Now that I've got your attention, let me preface by saying please DO NOT RUSH your healing, self-discovery, and personal development process! 😄

There is plenty of time!!

Honesty is a crucial ingredient to your healing process and also for your life. It helps you go deeper within yourself and experience healing and discoveries at a deeper level.

From my experience of becoming more honest with myself, I learned that this cycle exists in regards to honesty and healing, self-discovery, self-development/growth, and empowerment:

Honesty → Self-Discovery & Acceptance → Healing, Empowerment, Self-development/Growth

I was someone who had to start from 0 regarding being honest about my experiences.

I'm an honest person to others but I realized that I had been lying to myself since learning to live in survival mode in early childhood, like saying I wasn't bothered by something when I actually was.

Lying to myself and moulding my thoughts and feelings in ways that seemed convenient and acceptable to others was something I learned so I would feel safe and secure,

so I could survive

The thing is, that didn't actually lead to feeling truly secure and safe.

and I didn't want to just survive and get by in life

I wanted to (and want to) THRIVE

Learning how to be honest to myself was one of the keys I discovered to freedom and living freely.

Did this learning come easy? Nope. I practiced honesty over and over and over again, like an athlete training for the Olympics.

I needed time and space to really learn how to be honest with myself (and then validate myself) and I got just that after ending my marriage, as I began Inner Child Healing.

You can experience healing and growth to a certain point, in my opinion, without being completely honest to yourself BUT you'll eventually hit a block because total honesty, even when it feels bad or wrong or it makes you see yourself in a way that isn't the image you have of yourself, is required to get to the deepest roots of any experience.

There are SO MANY layers to healing and this life's journey, guys!

Becoming honest is a skill you can learn through Inner Child Healing and also take with you outside of this healing process ❀

When you are honest with yourself, you get to be MORE you (your wonder child self) and live a life YOU want to live.

Here's a video on my channel where I talk about my journey with honesty for those of you who are interested in finding out more:

For more videos on healing, self-development, empowerment, and on Inner Child Healing, you can head to my channel. Go ahead and subscribe, like, comment, and share - please help me spread the word, one less person in survival mode means one more person living in freedom! ❀

I hope this helps you become more safe and secure within yourself, freeing yourself from living in survival mode đŸȘœ

 🌌 Catherine | Peace etc. 🌌


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