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You Are the Artist: Create Your Life How YOU Want To, Right Now! Empowerment, Self-love, Self-discovery, Self-development

In February, Little Simz, who's consistently been one of my favorite artists for over a decade, if not my favorite artist, dropped her new album

I was expecting to get exactly what I like in the hip-hop/rap genre and was surprised to find that the sounds in the album wasn't what I expected AT ALL

Listening to the songs, I felt and thought "wow, this isn't like her other albums" and felt disconnected from her and her songs - a mini wtf is happening moment

Just because she's my favorite artist doesn't mean I will like or love all her work

What I experienced was that feeling of being taken aback by someone you love or feel close to doing something totally out of character or unexpected

You all have experienced that before right?

It got me thinking about artistry though 

How artists are humans, experiencing change and growth as they live their life

As they do so, of course they'll want to create and experiment, follow their new found inspiration and new paths created by experiencing more possibilities and more of life, and feel free in the process of creating something new! 

So, even though this album is so far removed from what I expected, I support my favorite artist in creating what felt right for her and expressing what and how she wanted to in her own way in this new album

I learned that I value artists (and people more generally) following THEIR OWN vision, aligned to their inner fire, inner power, creativity, wisdom, guidance and freedom!

We're all "artists" creating our own lives 

Whether others understand or not, we have the "pen" to create our lives however we want to, to experiment in ways that make us feel free, joyful, empowered - whatever your value- and experience freedom in doing so

We may be scared to write a chapter of our lives differently - could be fear of external perception or something internal - but the canvas is there for you to try things out how you want to, ALWAYS AT ANY GIVEN TIME.

As you grow and change, you can write your life in new ways maybe even YOU didn't expect

Just planting a seed there 😉

Ps. Just to let you all know, after giving her songs a few listens... I am HOOKED. Not the usual style I listen to or look for in hip-hop/rap but damn, they're all ear worms 🪱🎧

Here's my 2 favorite songs in the album (I couldn't pick just one!) :

🌌 Catherine | Peace etc. 🌌


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