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Are You Aging Without Maturing?

How would you know how to grow up without looking at your past? 

We're taught to "grow up" and leave our child selves behind. 

I believe this creates adults who are disconnected with themselves by underplaying the importance of their child selves. 

You can't just pretend that the child within you isn't important or that they're not there just because you're an adult - your child selves are a big part of you as an adult!

Without connecting to your child self, how would you know what lessons you were supposed to learn?

I've worked with many adults as a mental health worker over the years and as a healing practitioner, and I can say that a lot of adults grow up physically but not mentally, emotionally, or spiritually

The two main categories of adults who I've worked with are :

Those who didn't get a chance to be a child, having to grow up quickly in order to survive,


Those who continue living on as their inner child selves

One can age without maturing emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.

How do we grow then? 

We grow through facing our past rather than through avoidance

Inner Child Healing is a process whereby you become aware of the lessons from your past by connecting to your child self who experienced pains and wounding. You will gain insight into how you can move through these pains IN YOUR OWN WAY and learn the lessons. As you do so, you'll experience healing, personal growth, and development. 

There's no time limit to learning

you can learn lessons from your childhood as your adult self and experience growth and maturity at any time

I hope this helps you become more safe and secure within yourself, freeing yourself from living in survival mode 🪽

For videos on healing, self-development, empowerment, and on Inner Child Healing, you can head to my Youtube channel Go ahead and subscribe, like, comment, and share - please help me spread the word, one less person in survival mode means one more person living in freedom! ❤️

🌌 Catherine | Peace etc. 🌌


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