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Hi & Welcome!

Updated: Aug 4, 2023

Hello hello and a warm welcome to you!

My name is Catherine and I'm from Japan. You may be asking - well, you don't look Japanese - that's because I'm half Canadian! Now that we've got that out of the way, so far I've travelled to around 40 countries around the world and consider myself a citizen of the world - why limit myself to some nationalities when the world is our oyster?! haha

I am an explorer, a traveller, a seeker discovering what it's like to live on Earth as a human being. I love animals, especially dogs. I've also always been a people person with a deep love for humanity, though I may sometimes be challenged to wrap my head around the human condition. In the last few years I have also discovered that I am a huge fan of Mother Earth - treehugger over here!

I am passionate about building a life of inner-security, self-trust, and self-love. I am passionate about helping others on their journey of reconnecting with their authenticity and accepting themselves as they are which I call “journey back home,” home being YOU. I believe that we are all here to be FREE which comes from being our authentic selves but we have learned ways of being that stops us from being and expressing ourselves as we naturally are. This links to another passion of mine which is to bring people back into their hearts and live from our hearts rather than our minds, rather than all the ways we are taught to be, how we think we should live, living our lives listening to and internalizing fears and anxieties. I believe that each individual living from the heart is the way to creating more peace and love in this world, which is my ultimate goal, and it starts with me and you. I am also passionate about people living balanced and healthy lives mentally, emotionally, spiritually/energetically, and physically. Last but not least, I am passionate about sharing - I believe that sharing is caring and whatever I experience isn't just to be kept to myself but to be shared with the world and in bettering the world and others' lives.

Before getting into energy healing, I worked in jobs related to people such as a packer for a moving company, as a barista, and in the mental health field as a mental health worker (imagine blending a social worker and a counsellor). As a healing practitioner often goes through, I went through several spiritual awakenings where I was pulled out of existing organizations to explore how I could use my talents, life lessons, and energy to be of service to people in my own unique way.

I now have a few titles -

* Energy Healer - Certified Usui Reiki Master and also certified in Antojai Quantum Reiki Level 1

* Kambo (Amazonian frog medicine) Practitioner

* Medium and Intuitive Channel

Combining these skills (Kambo medicine sessions are currently offered as an optional add on), I go by the title Holistic Life Guide. I take a holistic approach in guiding clients on their "journey back home" where clients can explore their wounds, programmings, and current dilemmas to bring healing and also unpack how these experiences impact their mind, body, and soul. In addition, we look at how any experience that comes up had an impact on/has an impact on the clients’ mental, emotional, energetic/spiritual, and physical health. I believe that getting a “complete picture” on how an experience has impacted us on multiple health dimensions as well as our mind-body-soul connection is important to gaining a deeper understanding of our current/past experiences, ourselves and our surroundings, and how these current/past experiences may influence us in the present.

As a Holistic Life Guide, I create safe spaces for people to explore their past and how it's affecting their present, or how their present circumstances are rooted in their past and to move beyond old patterns and ways of being. It can be daunting to introspect alone - or you may even not know where to start - and that's where I come in. You don't have to do this alone! My sessions are safe, nurturing spaces for you to explore yourself, feel and understand your past and present, recognize what needs to be healed and released, connect the dots between your physical/mental/emotional/energetic/spiritual health dimensions as well as mind-body-soul relationship and how they interact to give you your present experience, create room for growth and align with your authenticity to start living authentically. This process of discovery and healing also coincides with learning to love yourself through all that comes up during and outside sessions, whereby you can learn how to treat yourself with more compassion and take a self-love approach to living your life.

My sessions involve bringing forward intuitive messages for your highest good by tapping into your energy field as well as channeling loving beings, including passed over loved ones, angels, other-dimensional beings, your inner child, your Higher Self, your spirit guides, etc. Rest assured that only beings of the highest love and light are allowed in our space.

Note: my sessions are not to be a cure all for your problems or to turn you into an ideal version of yourself.

At Peace etc. you will find:

  • Blog posts about a range of topics including travel, life lessons, personal development, self-love, self-acceptance, moments of gratitude, etc. - whatever wants to be written and shared!

  • A Resource Library where I share music, podcasts, and social media sites that have helped me along this journey. This is an interactive, ever-growing, ever-changing space where you are free to also share resources that have helped you along on your journey to potentially be added to the list (I will intuitively feel into what's been shared if it will serve the highest good of all who may access it).

  • Reiki benefits and effects

  • A service page where you can learn about and book private 1-1 sessions with me

  • Testimonials from clients

  • A sense of peace, discovery/curiosity/wonder, excitement, love, and more (hence "peace etc.") as you explore yourself and life here on Earth

  • Courage to come back home to your soul, where your authenticity resides

We all deserve to thrive as our authentic selves

Thank you for stopping by, I am sending you so much love on your

Journey Back Home




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