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Image by Patrick Fore

Journey Back Home 

~ A Single Journey~

A powerful healing and empowering experience for adults who grew up in mentally and emotionally unstable homes where they discover more of themselves

Inner Child Healing

An unstable home environment makes children feel unsafe and feel like their chances of survival are constantly under threat, putting them in survival mode.


Children in this state give most of their time and energy to their external environment – people, places, and things – and have very little time and energy left over for themselves.


They become hyper-vigilant of their external environment and adopt thoughts, beliefs, values, and behaviors to have people around them, especially the one caregiver at home they depend on for survival, love and accept them, make them feel safe and secure, and create more stability in their environment.


These learned thoughts, beliefs, values, and behaviors are conditioned ways of being.


The more conditions children place on themselves to be loved and accepted, the less connected they become with themselves and their spirit. They also become more reliant on others to give them a sense of safety and security – they still feel insecure and experience instability internally, feel like they're not good enough and not worthy of love and acceptance just as they are.


The more conditioned ways of being they learn and live out, the lower their self-esteem and self-worth become; the lower their self-esteem and self-worth, the more they live out conditioned ways of being. 


​The good news is, just because you grew up in an unstable, unsafe home doesn't mean you have to be stuck feeling insecure and unstable inside, have low self-esteem and self-worth, and be in survival mode for the rest of your life.


You have the power to get out of survival mode.


How? Through Inner Child Healing


Inner Child Healing is a healing, self-discovery, and empowerment modality that has you unconditionally love and accept yourself in the present as well as revisit your past and unconditionally love and accept yourself as you experienced moments in your past.


As you do so, you shed conditioned ways of being and build a firm, secure foundation inside of you at the same time


The more conditioned ways of being you shed, the more space that's created for you without any conditions, your spirit (your Wonder Child self), to express itself


​Through this process, you become more of YOU


When you love and accept yourself just as you are, and that becomes the foundation for your life, you experience improved wellbeing, self-worth, self-esteem and quality of life that lasts.​​ 


Ready to experience life with high self-esteem and self-worth?


Scroll down to find out more!

Image by Darius Bashar

What You May Experience in a Session

Emotional release Becoming aware of your emotional, thought, and behavioral patterns and their roots Discovering your triggers and where they come from Headspace freed up Facing your fears and pain in a safe, unconditionally loving environment, getting to their roots Sitting with uncomfortable feelings and emotions Awareness of possible new ways of being that's rooted in unconditional love and acceptance of self Forgiveness for yourself and others Acceptance and surrender for where you're at in life Your heart opening up and beginning to heal Coming out of freeze and numbness, feeling emotions Expressing yourself authentically without filter and constraints Being in your power Practice receiving unconditional love and acceptance from another person Relaxation from releasing pent up stress Connection to deeper parts of you and seeing your depth Discovering your real likes, dislikes, wants, needs, desires, and values Empathizing with and validating yourself Discover and acknowledging how you felt about past events and accepting them for what they were Feelings of gratitude Understanding, new perspectives, and closure about people, places, and events in your past as well as yourself Opening up and being vulnerable in ways you haven't been before

Image by Omar Prestwich

Possible Session Outcomes

Increase in self-esteem and self-worth


Freedom from survival mode

Session Duration

Your Investment


60 minutes

$400 CAD

Sessions available on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday at these times:

10 - 11 AM, 12-1 PM, 2-3 PM, 4-5 PM


Refunds, Scheduling, and Cancellation Policy

*I am NOT a licensed counsellor nor a therapist. This session should never replace or override other professional help/advice. *Please DO NOT BOOK if yo are currently struggling with substance addiction and/or severe mental health issues. *Please DO NOT consume any substances including alcohol 24 hours prior to the session. *Must be over 18 years old. *Session results ARE NOT GUARANTEED. Your healing journey requires your investment, patience, and commitment on your inner work to experience any changes. *Peace etc. is not liable for your actions or lack thereof. *I DO NOT diagnose or prescribe. *I CANNOT predict how your path will unfold and CANNOT provide you with a timeline for your healing. *This session focuses on YOU, the client, rather than on healing others including family members. *I believe that the ego is meant to be befriended and understood rather than eliminated. Inner Child Healing is about reconnecting with your wounded ego (Inner Child) and healthy ego (Wonder Child). If you believe the ego should be eliminated, this program and my services aren't for you.

*In the case of an emergency, send an email to to reschedule our session *All payments are FINAL. NO REFUNDS will be provided. *Session tardiness: If you are late for our session, the session will NOT be extended to include the time you have missed. For instance, if you were 15 minutes late for a 60-minute session, we have 45 minutes together. *48-hour notice is required for session rescheduling or cancellation to accommodate other clients. *For recurring clients: If you were late for a session once without a valid reason (like in the case of an emergency) and are late for your next session, please know that I will not be working with you further after the second session.

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