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Inner Child Healing

Inner Child 

Believes the only way to receive love and acceptance and experience safety and security is when they behave in certain ways - "conditioning"


Limited perspective on life's possibilities 


Tries to meet others' expectations and/or what they think others expect from them


Lives from "should's" and "have to's"


Fears abandonment and freedom


Fears making mistakes and being wrong


Not clear about their likes/dislikes/values/opinions/feelings


Prone to give love and have difficulty accepting unconditional love 


Undervalues self while valuing others 

Wonder Child

Loves and accepts self unconditionally


Full of joy


Knows their strengths/weaknesses, purpose, interests, likes/dislikes, and values


Inspired & Optimistic 


Believes in life's unlimited possibilities


Lives life how they want to




Likes freedom 


Secure and safe in self


Able to give AND receive love in all forms 


Values self and others

Inner child healing is the process of healing your childhood wounds, bringing closure to painful experiences in your past, whilst reconnecting you with your childhood self who experienced these wounds (your inner child).


You gain insight into how your child self learned to be in the world through painful experiences, including their behavioral and thought patterns, motivations, triggers, and feelings.


You will see and understand how the ways you operate in the present moment are rooted in your childhood experiences. 


As you heal your inner child, over time (timing varies on the person), you begin creating a path to connect with your wonder child.


Not only does this path connect you with your wonder child, it also creates space for your wonder child to show up in your daily life for you to live from a place of unconditional love and acceptance of self. You may express and be more of who you really are in the world as your adult self.


Feel less shame and guilt especially when choosing yourself

Experience more options and choices (freedom) in life

Receive forms of love that you're not used to or rejected out of believing you haven't earned it or not being good enough

Listening to and following my body's signals

Able to prioritize my needs 

Shorter time to come back to balance after something upsetting or staying balanced through something upsetting

Clearly stating yes and no

Tangible Results from Inner Child Healing 

More time and energy 

Discover your desires, wants and needs; understand, accept, and communicate them with the world 

Not living from should's or could's but WANTs

Not jumping to help others and self-sacrifice

Speaking up for yourself

Able to feel, move through, understand, and express emotions faster and easier

 Connect with people without self-sacrificing your time, energy, values and space

Live with an open heart and compassion with boundaries

Not identify as roles you took up in childhood; focus on being you

Peaceful relationships
- also choosing when and how to connect to others and how much

Saying no to requests that doesn't reflect your self-worth (unconditional love for self)

Able to connect feelings to emotions to situations to thoughts and understand your behavioral and thought processes better

Reduced stress mentally, emotionally, physically, and energetically


Inner child healing allows you to live with connection to both your inner child AND wonder child, not leaving either one behind, but integrating the two - living in harmony with your shadow and light so you experience feeling more whole and complete within yourself. 


Through inner child healing, you free yourself to live how you WANT TO rather than how you THINK you should from a limited perspective based on your wounds and upbringing.


Your child selves hold the key to liberating yourself.


You have all the resources within you to be free and live freely as you wish!

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